


  • Autos - I love my Miata.  It turns a mundane trip to the store into an adventure.
  • Travel - I love to just take off on the spur of the moment.  Unfortunately, I'm not retired yet so I only go when I get crazy enough to take off into the sunset.  I've traveled to the Philippines and several countries in Africa on an evangelism trips. You can see the videos and pictures at: http://www.revivalfire.org/missions_to_africa.htm
  • Music - I played sax for a long time, but haven't picked it up in years.  I'm still a jazz fan, love good Gospel music, and although I don't admit it too often, I still love rock n roll.
  • Ministry - I had a weekly radio broadcast that went into several countries in the Middle East, Asia, and Africa.  The messages are still sent out to people who ask for them. 

    I also write a weekly newspaper column for a few papers and some online sites, but which is also emailed out to our mailing list that goes into several foreign countries.  I have gone on an evangelistic trips to the Philippines and to Africa, and will probably going to several other places as the funds allow.
  • Computers- I can't help it. I love 'em.  Creating websites is fun, and working with databases and new programs is like doing a crossword puzzle for me.  I'm not that great, but who cares? 
  • Texas - I'm still trying to figure out what it is about Texas that grabs a hold of your soul.  There ain't much here that you can point to, but whatever it is, it's got me.

This site was last updated 02/19/14